why is it unforgetable?
what do you do
today is a fine day,i go to my grandma’s home with my sister.
walk in the road,we are very happy.because we can visit my kind of grandma.in my earliest memory,my grandma is very great and kind.
as time goes by,we get to grandma’s home.grandma is very happy,she said: “oh,my grandson and my granddaughter .get to home.hurry!hurry!” we walk to home and sit down.
“it’s time for lunch.”my grandma said.although the lunch is only have vegetables and rice,but we still think it is very delicious lunch in the earth.
i can eternal remember this lunch.
Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978(1978-08-23)) is an American All-Star shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association. Bryant is the only son of former Philadelphia 76ers player and former Los Angeles Sparks head coach Joe “Jellybean” Bryant. His parents named him after the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu.
Today is sunday. It is a sunny day.I and mother are out for a picnic. They go to a park. It is a big park.They can see many people there. There are many green trees in the park.Near the gate,there is a lake.Some ducks are swimming in the lake and you can see lots of fishes there.
这一听,便知是我对爸爸的央求声,何故我会说这句话呢?事务还得从头说起。今年春节,我们一家去杭州游玩。 早上,我们到宾馆吃自助早餐,饭厅里备有中餐和西餐,食品可丰盛了:面包,培根,小笼包,粥,菜,······,连我最爱吃的炒面都有!虽说我也不是第一次吃自助餐了,但一见到那么多各种各样的美味食物,我眼花缭乱,差点“口水直流三千尺”了。
My god!
爸爸用教训的口吻告诉我:“粮食、蔬菜是农民伯伯辛辛苦苦种出来的,你吃不了倒掉就是浪费,浪费粮食是可耻的······ ”
这件事给了我一个教训:浪费粮食是可耻的,吃几许拿几许。这件事让我终身难忘。春节趣事 过年唯一的趣事对于我来说当然只有放炮了。 放鞭炮:大年初一,我和爸爸拿了一箱子鞭炮,在我家楼下放炮。一千五百响在我打火机的点燃下,噼里啪啦的开响了,一阵炮响过后,老爸也来了个五千响。那炮的威力,连站在五六米远的我,也被震惊了!
摔炮:买上几十盒,一盒一盒的用脚踩,啊!那股劲会让你不停地踩啊踩啊,有时还会脚底冒烟! 放炮的乐趣多多,大家都放炮,春节乐趣多。拜年 拜年拜年,是在大年初一拜长辈,长辈还会给红包,而我还拜了姐姐,拿了红包。 大年初一,我睁开双眼:哇!大年初一,“财神爷”会给我几许红包?
老爸给了我一张崭新崭新的50元。哇发财了,可以买炮放了。现在,连外婆也拜了,还剩下姐姐一个了。哎,先不管了,人拜的多,钱也多。我给姐姐拜了年:“祝姐姐身体健壮,红包拿来。”姐姐竟然给了我100元。哈哈,我乐开了花,把这件事告诉了妈妈,妈妈脸一板,说何故拜年给姐姐要红包?我没看出有何不对头,说:“拜的人多,钱也多嘛!”“哎,你给我听着!”妈妈大声叱喝道:“我说了几许次了,自家人图个热闹,拜年不把“何红包拿来”挂在嘴上,你怎样给姐姐要红包?知道不,姐姐打工好辛苦的······” 结局嘛,是被K了一顿,但我还是很开心,由于今年的红包没被老妈没收。
I still remember the first day I went to the zoo. When I was only five years old, my mother took me there. I was pleased to see so many real animals at the same time. They seemed so lovely and active. I spent a nice day. But on my way home, I began to feel sorry for them. They were taken away from their parents and friends and also far away from the nature. They must have felt lonely, I thought. Every day, the only thing they could do was to sit there and wait for food.
Speak English is really not that difficult. You can do it if you try.
Blow up the sea waves, lies in that instant surge; The beauty of the sunrise at dawn, lies in that instant spread; Briefly, a flash in the pan is a moment of brilliant; The typhoon came to disaster, lies in that instant menacing. It is only to things that brief moment, a brief moment Is the most unforgettable. On May 12, 2008Blow up the sea waves, lies in that instant surge; The beauty of the sunrise at dawn, lies in that instant spread; Briefly, a flash in the pan is a moment of brilliant; The typhoon came to disaster, lies in that instant menacing. It is only to things that brief moment, and a brief moment is the most memorable ?
I had a dream where I was standing on a bridge.The dream seemed very real.I felt cold,and it was a windy night.I was happy.There were lights around me,and people walked around.The water was pretty.Then,I saw someone jump off.Oddly,I knew I was dreaming,so I did not feel anything.I started to walk very slowly.Then I woke up.I was still happy.