shredded wheat 释义 小麦片 网络 磨碎小麦
1 Pardon me. our guests are having their shredded wheat 对不起.我们的客人正在吃小麦片
2 If you look hard enough, you’ll find at least a handful of sugar-free or low-sugar cereals like oatmeal, bran flakes and shredded wheat. 如果你看得够仔细的话,就可以发现市面上有许多无糖或低糖的麦片食品,像燕麦片、麦麸和碎麦片等。
LAKERS–NBA联盟的洛杉矶湖人队 洛杉矶市在加利福尼亚州,位于美国西海岸偏南部。英文 lake 是湖的意思~~湖人队现在的当家球星为:科比-布莱恩特,主教练为出名的“禅师”杰克逊。你明白了吗~~~篮球是一项很好的运动哦~~
- 雪花
they wonder when the first snowflakes will come什么意思
- they wonder when the first snowflakes will come他们想知道第一乏础催飞诎读挫嫂旦讥片雪花什么时候到来(落下)。
It flakes very nicely into really sharp points.这句话是什么意思?
- obsidian is a black,volcanic, well, almost like glass. It flakes very nicelyinto really sharp points. The sharpest tools of the entire Stone Agewere made of obsidian. 这个是原文的语境
- 这片非常漂亮成真尖点